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The University of Missouri Mutant Mouse Resource & Research Center is one of four regional centers comprising the MMRRC ( The overall goal of the MMRRC is to provide a center for accepting and distributing high quality, well characterized mutant mice. To this end, the MMRRC will select and import mouse strains important to the biomedical research community; rederive mice to a pathogen-free status; cryopreserve gametes and/or embryos; perform genotyping and infectious disease monitoring to assure the highest quality of mice available, and distribute live mice, cryopreserved germplasm or tissues to investigators.

MMRRC News & Events University of Missouri Metagenomics Center
How to Harness the Microbiome
NATURE news:  

Reproducibility White Paper

New MUMC Website!

The MU Metagenomics Center recently launched a new website – please visit us at:
Watch the video!

Microbiota Characterization
The gut microbiota (GM) is now recognized as a key factor in health and disease.  Differences in the composition of the gut microbiota of research animals may contribute to altered phenotypes or poor reproducibility of animal-based studies.  Culture-independent techniques such as next-generation sequencing (NGS) allow in-depth characterization of the gut microbiota.  The MMRRC now offers a full line of NGS-related services including fecal DNA extraction, 16S rDNA gene sequencing, and informatics analysis to researchers using mouse models.  For more information, please see here or contact

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